In this drama, King Sejong (Han Seok Gyu) is puzzled when few of his intelligent councils are murdered right before he was about to announce his creation of the Korean words, Hangeul, which will only belong to his country. Upon calling forward Kang Chae Yun (Jang Hyuk) to investigate the cases, he finds out that it may be something much worse than what he can imagine of and his trusted court lady, So Yi (Shin Se Kyung) seems to hold the key to the mysterious murders.
Kang Chae Yun was originally born into a nobleman family until an incident demoted his family to the slave class, but through determination and investigation skills, he manages to become the first investigation officer from the slave class. While throwing aside his hatred ad prejudice towards Sejong who has caused his family tragedy and his father's death, Kang Chae Yun gets closer to the root of the truth as he investigates these cases. He finds himself entangled in a massive conspiracy behind the serial killings when he was personally entrusted with the cases by his enemy King Sejong who promised to reinstate his family status if he solves the murder cases, which involves a group of genius that are willing to risk their lives towards overthrowing the king's thrown.
Although this story is based on real historical events- King Sejong and his invention of Hangeul- there is some fiction. For example, Kang Chae Yun and So Yi do not seem to be real historical figures and this specific case of murders didn't happen during the reign of King Sejong. But, I thought the story was very fascinating because it got me interested in Choson Dynasty and what kind of person King Sejong was.
"Deep Rooted Tree." Wikipedia. Web. 4 Dec. 2011. <